Social and Community Worker (part 1)

Beginning: Consult

Duration: 1 year.

Modality: Online

Platforms:  Zoom – Meet – Classroom


This course aims to provide theoretical, technical and methodological tools for socio-communitary work, identification and addressing of the problematics on various territories. We propose a learning process, where the student assumes an Active Social Role and is transformed to transform the social reality. 

Main themes:

  • Social Psychology
  • Social Communications
  • Groups Theory
  • Constructors of Subjectivity
  • Attachment Styles Theory
  • Psychoanalytic theory
  • Intelligence and emotional literacy
  • Everyday life psychology
  • Operative group
  • Psychological Intervention
  • Domestic Intervention
  • Communal Intervention

Granted certificate: 

At the end of the course we grant a Certificate of the Social and Community Worker that qualifies you to continue with the second level studies on Social Psychology.


  • Mujeres x la Nación” personería jurídica N 41924.Centro Educativo Certificado por AEAPro CEC N°AR657|21 (Asociación Euroamericana de Profesionales en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales). 
  • AEAPro -Psicología Social – Programa Certificado AR 657.01-21 
  • Declaración de Interés Cámara de Representantes Pcia de Misiones. Es N° 112-2008/09 – Res. N° 349-2018/19. 
  • Dirección de Género y Diversidad de la Pica. de Mendoza. 
  • Declarado de Interés Departamental Municipio de Guaymallén- Honorable Concejo Deliberante. Res. N° 050/2016 
  • Declarado de Interés Educativo DGE (Dirección General de Escuelas) – Res. N° 2830/DGE/2017 
  • Declarado de Interés Municipal decreto 068/18 Municipalidad San Francisco Córdoba /2018 
  • Interés Municipal Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, Chaco. (Res. N° 074 /2018) 
  • Ministerio Público Fiscal de Mendoza mediante la Procuración Gral. de la Suprema Corte de Justicia (Res. 127/18) 
  • Ministerio de Salud, Desarrollo Social y Deportes de la Pcia. de Mendoza (Res. 1948 /18). 
  • Declarado de Interés Municipal, San Francisco, Pcia de Córdoba, – Decreto N.º 068.

Methodology of study:

Our goal is not only the transmission of theoretical content but fundamentally also the training of workers with a real working standard. To achieve this we have a teaching focused on the "Learn to apprehend" where thinking (cognitive level), feeling (emotional level) and doing (behavioral level) are joint. 
The teaching tool is the "operative group". In this group, the members actively participate in a learning process which is approached with an "operational technique" by means of which the group’s action is strengthened. The training is completed with workshop methodology and technique. 
In this way, the theoretical training is integrated and enriched with the group practice, so that the students' training deepens and consolidates as they progress through their studies. This Practical - Theoretical - Technical is a distinctive feature from the other social studies centres.

Strategies and pedagogical method:

Basically, the head teacher provides the content and the assisting teacher accompanies in the learning processes. With the group work time, its members get to know each other, interacting and accomodating in a mutual and an active way.  
Part of popular education, with tools such as: Learning Community and Pedagogical Couple and Trio. The Learning Community method consists of building learning outside and inside the classroom space. Students and teachers bring their culture, ideological construction, history and origin, and criteria is unified through effective dialogue and shared work.  
To learn in community is to include and be included. Biases, stereotypes and unconscious discriminatory behaviours are worked in community. The pedagogic couples and trios are build in the learning community. Its stance and characteristics are adapted consecuently with the dynamic of the group and its members. 

Activities and Course Evaluation

The course consists of 9 modules divided in 4 meetings of 3 hours each. The modules are taught in a weekly virtual meeting with the teacher(s) in charge. 

Each meeting consists of theoretical content and group dynamics where the given contents are set. The modules and a pragmatic homework are sent to each student in a digital format.

Monthly evaluation: 

  • A practical homework for each module.

Final evaluation: 

  • Preparation of an integrative final work - project. 
  • Oral presentation of the final work with the work team
  • Coloquio en dispositivo de grupo operativo
  • At the end of the course, the teacher will give a groupal and an individual feedback on the learning process and on the graduate profile.

Graduate profile:

The course has its theoretical bases in Social Psychology ,a pioneering discipline within the Social Sciences in Argentina, even before psychology, sociology and social work, which are also within the contents.
 The Social Psychology , has its specific field in what happens between individuals: as a discipline and a technical tool it implements the approach and operation in the different realms in which processes of interaction take place. 
En estos ámbitos el Operador social Comunitario podrá Implementar proyectos, dispositivos y actividades preventivas y asistenciales, enmarcados en programas de atención en los centros asistenciales y en la comunidad. Interviene en forma directa en situaciones de vulnerabilidad social y es el articulador entre la comunidad y el equipo interdisciplinario. 


  • Over 18 years old.
  • Secondary School completed or ongoing.
  • Basic knowledge of IT-tools.
  • A suitable device and good internet connection.
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